First off thanks to Tantric and the gang for this application its certainly among the best if not the best example of homebrew on the wii!
I am having some trouble though with the networking with WiiMC version 1.1.3. I am really not sure what the problem is. Other applications the Nintendo’s update, Opera (The internet Channel), netflix, the Home Brew channel, ftpii, and the Homebrew browser all work fine. I actually installed WiiMC via the Home brew browser. Its using IOS58 btw if that is relevant to this issue, I don’t have any moded IOSes or anything like that installed, I just used banner bomb to install the HBC and went from there, its an early model wii.
When I try go to the Youtube features the throbber comes up and spins for a while and then I get error -16 displayed in a massage box. Also if I try the ciffs features it spins for awhile and then just says network error. I can’t see from the logs on my wireless router anything interesting like a DHCP NAK. I see plenty of associates, dhcp requests and acks for the wii, but I can’t tell exactly what might be starting and stopping the network on the wii, WiiConnect24, the HBC are always bringing up and down the network.
Does anyone have any thoughts?