Poor video quality

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    I have just installed wiimc and everything went really smooth. I have been using xbmc since the first releases many years ago with samba streaming and I wanted to do the same with the wii today.

    There was no problems setting up the smb share and I can run most of my movies. However the quality is much worse then expected. I have a component video cable and I have configured the wii that I have a hdtv. All games are just fine but the movies I tried tonight are quite poor in quality. Significantly worse then when running with the old xbox 10 years ago. It is watchable but not good.

    I just wonder if I might be doing something wrong since I see a lot of people claiming to have excellent video quality and I assume the video playback is the key feature for most people. I tried to reduce the zoom a bit since the scaling of the movies was a bit wierd so I reduced it to 80% in both axis, might have helped a little but still not very good.

    Is this expected or is there anything I can tune to make it perform better.

    Thanks for an otherwise neat application.


    Personally,my setup involves just the standard 3 wire RCA cord on a 23″ or so LCD panel.To Where I Wifi to my router,then Wifi to the PC.I save all my videos to my pc as ISO,FLV,Mpeg4.The Iso or image format being the best and i was honestly very impressed at the quality in wich these played back,better than playing the dvd itself in the dvd slot.For the most part the .FLV and .mpeg’s play very good also,but some do loose quality.They are still very watchable.I would suggest you double check your cords and to play with the format in which you are saving your video as.Take a short, good quality video and try to save it in different formats.Then see which comes out on top.Each format have thier pro’s and con’s though.Others might have better luck with another format type than me.

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