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    I wanted to open by saying to everyone here how absolutely appreciative I am for the work that has been done on the WiiMC project. This is just fantastic, and it’s appreciated. Thanks for what you do. 🙂

    I wanted to take some time to connect with you guys to tell you about my crashing issue. I stream internet radio 24/7 (usually the same station) and every day or two it crashes with the fairly loud buzzing, and the screen freeze. Sometimes it happens after 15 minutes of play, other times it’s 3-4 days when it happens. It happens fairly often. What I wanted to find out was first of all, is there a way I could install a logger, or initiate a debug mode so that some kind of useful output could be obtained when WiiMC crashes? I know it might be hard to trace a specific thing, but I can’t report the bug without further definition I don’t think. Thoughts?

    The second part that I wanted to inquire about was to find out if it was possible to change how WiiMC crashes. So when I’ve been in Homebrew Browser, if that crashes, it pauses for 8 seconds and then restarts. I think this is just how it is programmed to handle crashes, but I’m not sure if that means that it has a container program that then runs the browser or what. Bottom line is, can this 8 second (or less) countdown/restart functionality be implemented so that the Wii resets on it’s own, and I don’t have to hold the power switch to turn it off?

    Thanks for your time everyone!



    Someone else may have more to add, but here’s some quick thoughts:

    I’ve heard something about that kind of crashing possibly being related to your router configuration. See here:

    Secondly, WiiMC also has the 8 second reload (in fact rodries was the one who wrote that feature!). But it’s not activated (for any app!) if the crash is bad enough. This is often the case of a lower level crash involving hardware.

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