delete files

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  • #22976

    hello wiimc team, let me start by saying i love this program, and use it everyday. to me you have it pretty much perfect, the only real feature i feel would be great to have is the ability to delete files from your hdd, similar to that of cfg usb loader. maybe a delete menu in settings, or a specific button or combo pressed while highlighting a file? anyways, just a thought. thanks for your hard work!


    i concur 😆


    I would love to see an option to delete the file after watching it. This could even be configurable (Never, Ask, Always) though the latter might be a bit too dangerous for some users. If it is configurable I would like to see it only in video as most people would use it there more than anywhere else.

    I use wiimc to watch dvr’d shows and it is just tedious to delete the file afterwords when the app should be able to do so on its own (assuming your samba permissions are correct that is! ;P)

    Note: I am not spot on with the OP, this was close enough to my desire so I just used it instead of making another post.


    Hi, I agree the ability to delete videos would be great. I only keep a handful since most movies suck. This option would sure help to keep directorys clean in between trips to the computer to WiiLoad more videos. 😀

    By the way, great work guys WiiMC is awesome, keep up the good work.


    Hi I already have Wiiexplorer installed, and while it works good it is a little cumbersome to exit WiiMC, run Wiiexplorer and delete video file, reload WiiMC and start next movie, and because of reefer madness I can only remember 2 or 3 movies I want to delete at a time (that short term memory loss thing is a bitch). I don’t know about you guys but I’m not just using WiiMC, I’ve set it up for every friend and family member I have that has a Wii. While I know what I’m doing, (Set up WiiMC, emulators, Wiiflow, USB Enclosures etc), my friends and family do not. When I try to explain how to use WiiExplorer to them they get a blank look like I’m trying to describe how to perform brain surgery or something. I just thought it would be a cool feature, “watch movie, decide movie is crap, press WiiMC movie delete button, repeat”, (I use it in WiiFLOW all the time), also if your clueless and messing around with WiiExplorer you can GUT your movie collection pretty damn quick. I know everybody here is wise in the way of the Wii and PC, but shouldn’t this stuff be easy enough for my 90 year old grandma to use. I’m not bitching though I think we are lucky to have WiiMC period, it is an excellent addition to the Wii, and everybody I’ve shown it to has been stunned by the good picture quality (Wii is 480p and everyone knows about it), ease of use, and just how much video fits on a 1tb drive. Nintendo should be paying you guys, I know 5 or 6 people now who have bought Wii’s just because of WiiMC and video files.

    Keep up the great work:
    timerider… 😀

    @fattest wrote:


    This is the only feature I want. I like to delete episodes right after watching them, and it’s a pain to switch between WiiMC and WiiXplorer all the time.

    Since the + button on the remote is unused, it can be used for a context menu which would include Delete (and Rename, Copy, Move, etc–if Tantric feels like adding those as well).

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