DVD not playing

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  • #23974

    I meet the documentation’s requirements for WiiMC

    • You must have IOS58 to use this channel. Either update to System Menu 4.3, or use the IOS58 Installer.
    • You must have Homebrew Channel 1.0.8+ running on IOS58 to run the installer. If HBC is not using IOS58, reinstall it.
    • The channel loads apps/wiimc/boot.dol from SD or USB. You must have WiiMC installed in one of these two locations.

    I have a 2006 wii with the GC2-D2E chipset.

    I tried playing video’s from youtube. It works.

    I tried playing two commercial video DVD’s and both did not play. I tried playing each from the disc button. It failed with an black screen error and eventually rebooted the wii system menu. I tried playing each from the video source and after the video menu when I click play movie, it freezes and I have to force shut down the wii.

    I am not going to use this unit to play DVD’s anyways. I just figured that if this is indeed a bug, I could help you identify it to be squashed.

    Thank you,


    check this thread and see if it makes sense to you.

    like i talked about in that other thread, try and make a backup copy of your dvd and see if that makes it work.
    also the wii can only read dvd-r so dvd+r is a no go.

    on another thought from that other thread i think the wii might not understand commercial dvd’s since it was not designed to read commercial dvd’s (the hardware the internal disk drive is made from wasnt programmed to fully understand movie dvd’s, that theory was thought up from a known limitation of hardware where the wii cannot read 700MB CD’s at all “thus the reason wiimc doesnt have a audio cd option” and its possible that certain and maybe most commercial dvd’s might fail due to limitations of hardware)


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