From what I’ve read the newest version of homebrew should have built in DVDx support…I don’t have any backups yet that I’m trying to run here, but I get this error with even new DVDs. I even tried running the DVDx installer to see if it might “patch” whatever wasn’t working with the new HBC, but no dice.
I made the mistake of updating to Wii 4.3 (U), but I’ve since re-installed HBC, I even went as far as getting Trucha and NeoGamma on there, using DOPMii to get rid of the recommended stubs, yet still I get this error. NOTE: I never went as far as installing programs on HBC to play DVDs when I was still on Wii 4.2, so I may have missed a crucial first step somewhere.
Does the WiiMC only play backup DVDs, or is this a different problem altogether? I’m running all the most recent stable releases of everything mentioned here.