
Home Forums Feature Suggestions Lyrics

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    Another thing I think should be on WiiMC is lyrics, and use of the ID3 tag in general. Then we could also do searches by artist, album, album artist, etc. For lyrics, since they should be in the ID3 tag, I figure you just make it so when you press a certain button (like ‘2’) that they pop up onscreen.


    I think this kinda thing is going too far and to ambitious for a easy to use media player on the wii, it’s not a over the top big player like you get on a computer.


    If you REALLY must have lyrics you have a few options as of now.

    EASY…. Take a screen shot of the lyrics, load an mp3 and then navigate to your picture.

    NOT AS EASY…. make the mp3 an avi and include a .srt subtitle file (this is possible but I wont explain it further, sorry)

    hmm, you could also go on youtube, find a song with lyrics on screen and use one of the many youtube FF plugins or other tools to grab the flash 🙂

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