Network Troubles

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    First off thanks to Tantric and the gang for this application its certainly among the best if not the best example of homebrew on the wii!

    I am having some trouble though with the networking with WiiMC version 1.1.3. I am really not sure what the problem is. Other applications the Nintendo’s update, Opera (The internet Channel), netflix, the Home Brew channel, ftpii, and the Homebrew browser all work fine. I actually installed WiiMC via the Home brew browser. Its using IOS58 btw if that is relevant to this issue, I don’t have any moded IOSes or anything like that installed, I just used banner bomb to install the HBC and went from there, its an early model wii.

    When I try go to the Youtube features the throbber comes up and spins for a while and then I get error -16 displayed in a massage box. Also if I try the ciffs features it spins for awhile and then just says network error. I can’t see from the logs on my wireless router anything interesting like a DHCP NAK. I see plenty of associates, dhcp requests and acks for the wii, but I can’t tell exactly what might be starting and stopping the network on the wii, WiiConnect24, the HBC are always bringing up and down the network.

    Does anyone have any thoughts?


    If are you using Avast 6 you must read these topics:

    Avast 6 have an issue with smb folders shared with Wii and XBox if this is your problem


    Given I get errors on the youtube page and such I don’t think I am getting as far as netlink layer. Its like it won’t get an IP


    Note that due to YouTube changes, YouTube links stopped working on 1.1.3 so you need 1.1.4 to get them working again. So YouTube may not be the best measure of network failure.

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