Pause/Gap between songs playing over smb

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    When playing music over smb, I have a 2-3 second pause/gap between songs, probably because the next song needs to be buffered or something. This can get a bit annoying, especially when listening to mixes or cd’s with overlap in the songs.

    Anyway of getting rid of this?

    (Using WiiMC 1.1.0, static ip-address, good download speed, tested with and without authentication for smb)




    Hi Tantric, just curious: could you be more specific about the ‘no’?
    – Is this is a technical limitation of SMB (eg, no problems with FTP or SD card)
    – Is this a technical limitation of the Wii (software/hardware related)
    – Or is this a limitation of WiiMC/Mplayer? If so: Any change of this being resolved in future versions? 😉


    I’d like to also ask for a better answer why this can’t/won’t be resolved. The pause essentially ruins any album that was specifically created to be a blend of music between tracks. (Abbey Road is a good example of this).


    @Tjelle wrote:

    … could you be more specific about the ‘no’?…

    In the meanwhile I tried MPlayer CE, but the pauses are even longer compared to WiiMC. So this leads me back to the question above. I hope we can get an answer!


    In order to do this we would have to start buffering the next file while the current one is playing. As we don’t have the resources to start a second instance of MPlayer to do this, we would have to write our own buffering code and then when the current file ends pass the buffered data on to MPlayer as the new file data, and tell it to go back to the source when the buffer runs out.

    Even with this buffered it wouldn’t provide for “instant” playback of the next file as MPlayer will need a little bit of time to open the data and analyse the file to determine when codecs to use and so on.

    It all seems like a ridiculous amount of work for very little gain.

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