hey i just finished the Polish translation (I used some French template 🙂 )
here is the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/385486580/pl.lang.html
and below is the same pasted. i hope everything is fine, that wiimc looks amazing good:)
After selecting Polish language the program throws an error (typical exception DSI occured) with some code dumped. it happens only when choosing Polish.
Sum1 plz help:)?
That’s because one of the strings in the translation was over 200 chars, which was the limit. I’ve fixed this in SVN, users will see it fixed in the next release.
Here is the new Polish translation. I have added the new strings that came with the new version (like size and color of subs and some others), added the strings that u guys suggested in the translation topic and also I changed some things so they fit better (now that I use it a lot I saw some mistakes).
Also please put new strings at the bottom. It helps me (and others) keep track of the translations if the strings are put in the same order by translators. 🙂