My friend and I have been waiting for something that would stream higher quality video. Then today I poke around GBATemp and find this, and it says it will play videos uptown 720p! I’m thinking, “This is great”! Come home, download the program, set up my stream, throw a 720p at it, studder. Damn, so I try one that it 576, that plays fine till I try to skip forward sand then that starts to studder. Ok, maybe if I throw this on my USB it will work flawless, no network lag, no such luck. Same problems as the stream. This program looks awesome, and does a better job with these videos than anything else but it seams it still isn’t there.
I’m running .mp4’s and only a handful are 720, is it the format? Is there a special IOS I should have installed? I have 202 on this already. Thanks in advance!