I took a break from VLC Shares for a a few months due to moving to a new home and had no access to my Wii so there are a few things that I do not remember from previous use. I seem to recall that when using “watch directly” command, the wii obtains the video link from the VLC shares computer, then the Wii streams videos directly from the internet and not through the VLC server. Is this correct? I have noticed recently that when streaming videos using “watch directly”, my VLC Shares computer is using a large amount of bandwidth. Again, I may not remember everything correctly but, I thought that WiiMC streams the video on its own once a link has been obtained. I know this seems somewhat trivial but, I am troubleshooting some network connectivity issues here and trying to determine why my Wii stops using bandwidth during videos (using Icefilms for instance) and suddenly freezes once the buffer is empty. Thank you for any insight you can give.