Volume control with music

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    isn’t it strange that you can adjust the volume with + and – keys when u’re watching a video,
    but when u’re in “sound-mode” (mp3, music) you can’t use them?
    work in progress?


    + adds to playlist when in the Music area. Unless you have a better suggestion for the mapping?


    mabey the 1+2 buttons or a combo of buttons to add/remove from playlist (B and + = add song, and B and – = remove)
    just a suggestion 😀


    maybe a combo could work,
    I think it could be handy to use “B” more for combo’s,
    (if thats possible)
    u’ve only got a few keys on the wiimote,
    so it could be doubled with the B…..

    But an overall standard key usage is preferable (i think)
    (keep +- for volume control)


    B goes up one level, so it’s ugly to combine that with another button. 1/2 toggle between the areas. and + adds to playlist. I didn’t use 1 or 2 for adding to playlist because it’s uncomfortable to press those buttons while browing through a directory. While you may have different opinions on this, I haven’t heard anything to really change my mind about adding volume control directly from the Music aream, whether it be from the +/- or a volume button.

    Of course I considered this right from the start and decided it’s better to encourage people use their sound remote rather than having WiiMC artificially amplify the volume beyond 100%.


    [/quote]Of course I considered this right from the start and decided it’s better to encourage people use their sound remote rather than having WiiMC artificially amplify the volume beyond 100%.[/quote]

    this is true….anything u play on 100% usually sounds like crap anyway, my tv remote will do the trick.


    Custom button mapping would be the best, so people could decide wether they want to have + for the playlist and not have volume control or instead have volume control but do the playlist with the “1”-Button as I would suggest.

    Additionally I think it should be possible to select a file for the playlist with A as long as you directly click on the checkbox itself as most applications on the pc would handle it like this which seems pretty natural to me…


    @Tantric wrote:

    B goes up one level, so it’s ugly to combine that with another button.

    But if u’re watching a video, u have to use the “home” button, so it’s not a uniform rule….


    I realize this is a month old thread, but… I think that there should be a mode that you can switch between. To get in each mode use a key combination such as A and B. (This is what the wii sports uses in bowling so why not? It’s simple for the user and effective. Of course 1 and 2 are just as simple.) One mode can be how it is now, (where + and – manipulate the playlist and directional pad does pg up/dwn, etc.). The other mode should be where you can control volume using the + and -, control playback using A for the play/pause toggle, directional pad left for rewind and directional pad right for fast forward. Maybe key 1 could be to toggle between the continuous play, repeat, and single play modes.

    Also, I think WiiMC should implement a feature where if the user taps rewind/fast forward then that should be taken as them wanting to rewind/fast forward in the playlist and if the user holds rewind/fast forward then it is taken as the user wanting to rewind/fast forward in the current song. This would be a huge help and is what I was initially expecting the firs time I used WiiMC. This is how it works on my Sansa which is very easy to use.

    If these features were to be implemented, then I could finally use WiiMC for listening to music in another room (like the kitchen) and be able to control every aspect of it just by using the wii remote! (Runs off to dream some more….)


    I don’t like the idea of custom button mapping myself because I can’t ever decided on which button I want to do what with. I would rather the weight be lifted off my shoulders and have someone decided it for me. Also, a little off topic but… currently I am playing a folder but cannot rewind/fastforward, view the playlist nor change play modes… what’s up with that!?


    Hi, I’m new here. Great forum. I love WiiMC and as far as I am concerned it is a close second to XBMC as far as functionality and ease of use. Great job! Anyway, not all media is at the same volume, so a universal volume control makes sense. Especially since you already have the Wii-mote in your hand. Perhaps a simple slider that you point at to use or some arrows or something at the top and bottom of the screen to adjust the volume. Just thought I’d throw my 2 cents in here. There must be something simple that everyone will like. Keep up the good work. Even without volume controls for music, WiiMC is still by far one of the best apps out there. 😀



    Why not just have some visual controls, either plus/minus or a progress bar. It would be cool to have a wiimote solution for the volume, but while it’s not clear what the best option, the visual controls might still allow you to manage the volume by looking at the screen.



    Yeah, that’s kinda what I was getting at. Or maybe something where you could point the Wiimote straight up at the ceiling or down at the floor.


    That sounds cool!!
    use the other sensors to!
    volume by tilting the Wiimote!


    Maybe press the – button as a trigger and then tilt the remote. It surely won’t be very accurate but still a fun way to adjust the volume.


    Here’s an idea. You hold the Wii-mote straight up and down, a volume knob appears on-screen. Turn clockwise to turn up the volume and counter clockwise to turn it down. Just like a real stereo knob. Make that happen and you will be a god!

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