I’m on 4.2U, HBC 1.1.0, WiiMC version doesn’t matter. My external HDD worked just fine when it was formatted to FAT32 or NTFS. Then I changed my music partition to EXT4 and I can’t get WiiMC to automatically play the next song on the playlist. File format doesn’t matter, either. Clues?
Having the same problem. Its the same for ext4 or ext3. Also, the “Auto-Play Next” feature won’t work either. Have you reported this on the bug tracker? If not, I will do it now that I know its not just me….
Have you tried setting the play mode to Continuous (between “Next” and “Volume”). I created a playlist with the songs I wanted to hear (say, an album) hovering over the song name and pressing “+”. After that, I selected Continuous and it started skipping to the next track as soon as the current was over.
Yup. I’ve tried all play modes, to no avail. And dnlddz is right: the auto-play next thing won’t work either. My guess is EXT has a different way of saying a file is over, and WiiMC doesn’t get it.