youtube error ??

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    Hi almost all videos in ONLINE MEDIA YOUTUBE are not avaible,error loading file I dont think it’s a bug cuz they work corecctly about 2 days ago. But the same videos play throught VLC watch directly options are working fine.

    Also a few videos work normally but for example videoclips not loading at all ;/

    is that the work of ACTA ??

    any one got that as well ??


    anyone ? its impostant for me cuz lm lisening music all the time.


    yes yt now supports 3d..that created a bug..switch to medium quality and your music quality wiil be the same.


    you already told that. My problem now is that almost all youtube video files not playing cuz there’s “Error loading file” but about 4days ago the same videoclips plays correctly.

    Also the same videoclips play througt VLC working fine. For example Nikelback – how you remind me not working from youtube online media cuz ther is “error loading file” but the same song play throught VLC working fine.

    And my question is — If other users got the same problem ??



    im having a prob with adding youtube links as you can see everything is fine and also if you check on pc it works fine. when you try on wiimc it says invalid link for some reason i cant get any youtube vids to load, do we need to wait for new plugin or am i doing something wrong??

    p.s is there a way to get 4od youtube videos to work at all??


    Why are you showing a VLC-Shares problem on a WIIMC forum? You need to move your post to the VLC-Shares forum and give more details so someone can help you.


    Hi while I was testing new wiimc 1.2.4 the youtube error loading file is still there. But the same videos working flawless throught VLC any one got the same problem ?? and why is that is VLC transcoding working differently from wiimc Youtube search ?


    My WIIMC+ patch for YT is in SVN1037 so you will have to wait for WIIMC 1.2.5.

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