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  • in reply to: Update for WIIMC+ V14C #30494

    thank you

    in reply to: is youtube still working?? #30489

    Thank you jhb50 your a saviour!!!!

    in reply to: is youtube still working?? #30486

    jhb50 are you working on this??

    in reply to: Support for the Gamecube controller #29786

    sorry for the new topic i did not see this was already requested. apologies!!

    but this is 100% something that i know a lot of users would appreciate

    in reply to: Can you add brightness control to video? #29438

    was just about to make a new topic for this, good to see im not the only who thought of this.

    in reply to: Improve WiiMote navigation #30355

    nice one, i appreciate that

    in reply to: Improve WiiMote navigation #30353

    i definatley agree with this as im usually underneath my covers and hate having to point at the screen. this would be a great addition. if it does get added can i suggest you make it so you can switch from movies page all the way to the online page with the d-pad too.

    in reply to: Cover for Videos #30293

    i know its wiiflow as i have it so i also know that it cant start or look for videos, thats not what i suggested.
    But yeah it would be great if that was like an alternate view or something, it would make selecting a film much easier, not that its not now but people who dont know the film at least have some idea of what the films about if it has a cover plus the trailer function from movies+ would be good added to this too.

    in reply to: Cover for Videos #30291

    Thats a very good idea, maybe it can look like this but covers for vids instead of games.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvBnjlikcbM&feature=related skip video to 1min 56 secs.

    in reply to: TVCatchup.com #30200

    if knew how i would attempt, but surely if you use something like hotspot sheild (which is free) you could view videos not in your own country, i do it to watch usa videos on mtv.com

    in reply to: TVCatchup.com #30198

    if i want anything, this is the site that i want to work with wiimc. i have tried a million ways of getting these channels to work but all of them are a no go

    in reply to: WiiMC+ Forwarder/Channel ?? #29752

    im 1000% waiting on this one as i dont have the skills to do it but have wanted this for sooo long as i dont use wiimc or have it installed because wiimc+ is my replacement.


    i would also love to test the new build if thats ok, i literally live on wiimc+ with vlc-shares its unbelievably great i cant even begin to explain how much this has changed the way i watch tv now. i’d like to say keep it up, and im glad to see your still working on this, and also the teasers i just read…wow! i really cant wait. my wii doesnt really get that much use out of it for being a games console anymore, i play the naruto series and smash bros brawl (my own custom) thats about it, i cant thank you enough and will say when i earn a bit more money i will 100% donate to the makers of wiimc and also to you for wiimc+ and not forgetting whoever set up vlc-shares for wiimc. thank you again!!!

    in reply to: youtube error ?? #29884

    im having a prob with adding youtube links as you can see everything is fine and also if you check on pc it works fine. when you try on wiimc it says invalid link for some reason i cant get any youtube vids to load, do we need to wait for new plugin or am i doing something wrong??

    p.s is there a way to get 4od youtube videos to work at all??

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