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  • in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28597

    Is it possible to watch something that is streamed via sopcast, or a live stream to vlc, watch no WiiMC too? is that the idea of vlc sharing…..

    in reply to: WiiMC Screenshots #28278

    Good screenies, guess they may come in handy at some point. 🙂

    in reply to: Lyrics #27056

    I think this kinda thing is going too far and to ambitious for a easy to use media player on the wii, it’s not a over the top big player like you get on a computer.

    in reply to: Pluzz – French CatchUp TV #27049

    this would be useful for English catch up tv 🙂

    in reply to: Youtube poor quality #26856

    @Bainon wrote:

    I folks

    I really like the new youtube feature but I’ve a question: how can I change the youtube quality-setting as it seems to me WiiMC only loads the worst quality available on youtube… I’d like to have atleast a semi-HD, where you can’t count pixels 😉 Any Idea?


    Maybe it’s like that coz it’s streaming form youtube from the wii, and it does take a long time, with higher quality it might keep having to buffer or just cant handle it.

    in reply to: Clock #25497

    @haiggoh wrote:

    I disagree.

    A clock would be a very simple thing to program, but still I think Tantric has more important things to do than integrating useless features. We’re not talking about a whole operating system here, it’s only a media player. And what is a media player meant to do? Right, to play media. 🙄 A clock isn’t related to the purpose of WiiMC at all.

    Clocks are everywhere! I have 7 in my room (counting also my watch, laptop, cellphone etc.) Why would I need one more?

    Some don’t have clocks in their living room/bed room or whatever, some don’t have mobiles, sometimes batteries die, maybe they cba to get off their ass too physically go check, so the feature is helpful :p

    I’m not lazy so it wouldn’t bother me 😉

    in reply to: Bug #26791

    @ridger81 wrote:

    Looks like Fat32 is correct for me as well so if you have larger hard drives and windows does not give you the option to format to fat32 then try this program. I formatted my hard drive to fat32 with it and worked great.

    FYI Program works on Windows 7 64bit PC. you a spammer? what’s with the fascination with fat freaking 32?! Stop it plz.

    To the thread poster, Tantric KNOWS of the issue. Wait patiently and maybe revert back to a older revision.

    in reply to: New 1.0.8 USB HDD Problem #26815

    ridger81 what makes you come to the assumption that formatting his hdd to fat32 would help? the problem is using the channel. USB’s are working if launched program via HBC, just not forwarding channel. So why would the format be of help, that’s just a waste of time and resources.

    in reply to: How do I put the WiiMC in my system menu? #26749

    @MrSlippery wrote:

    Thanks a lot, it’s on there now, but for some reason when I load WiiMC through my system menu, it doesn’t recognize my external HDD. I still have to go through the HBC. When I do that, it has no problem recognizing my hard drive. Any explanation?? Thanks again.

    🙂 good to hear, just wait for tantric’s update as he replied.

    in reply to: How do I put the WiiMC in my system menu? #26745
    Participant here is the installer in order to install a channel that will be on your system menu for easy navigation to WiiMC from within the wii menu interface 🙂

    I’m sure you can work out how to install channels.

    in reply to: Wii Disk Slot #26644

    yeah it was dragon media player…. that’s what the lib projectm is for.

    in reply to: Clock #25494

    @asatbluesboy wrote:

    +1. The other day the wife and I watched “Lost” until 4 AM. It’s pretty easy to lose the track of time.

    so true! 🙂

    in reply to: DVD Ripper #26590

    just use a pc or laptop?. :p


    @wilsoff wrote:

    At the moment the wiimote home button takes you back to the main menu, but if you press it again it quits back to the system menu.

    It would be nice to have a Home Menu, as seen in retail games (and also in usbloader gx, wii doubledown, etc).

    No rush though, I’m sure this is low priority, but hopefully fairly straight forward when you feel like it 🙂

    (sorry if it’s been asked already, I did search!)

    I agree, i or (grr, if our daughter twocks the wiimote) presses home, and not im back in the HBC, gone and ruined the motion of watching whatever it was i was watching 😀

    in reply to: Favourite folder small change #25372

    @pitchuk wrote:

    When I start WiiMC it starts with the folder I had last opened. I then may have to click up one level several time to get to the folder I want this time.
    Could you create in settings menu a bullet option for each media location saying
    O Dynamic – Last opened folder
    O Fixed – Folder set is one WiiMC opens on startup

    I know this is not a problem to most but does annoy me when I have to back up 6 times just to go down another folder branch

    Good points, it would try to access your smb share if you were in that last, causing more time for the user to wait….. option to remove last folder access would benefit some.

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