These install problems have been a real pain in the butt! However, if I hadn’t got all excited and updated to 4.3 using Wanin’s update I probably wouldn’t have had the problem.
Basically after updating to 4.3 (using Waninkokos updater) I was constantly getting the “NAND Access” error using channel installer 1.4 and 1.5. I reinstalled HBC and still had the same problem but after a quick syscheck I noticed that nearly all my IOS files were marked “truncha patched” including IOS58.
I know that other posters have referred to making sure you have IOS58 loaded but I did and HBC was using it so I didn’t see it as a problem. Anyhow, just for shits and giggles I redownloaded a clean IOS58 (using Tantrics installer) and the installer now works fine. Of course now my IOS58 doesn’t show as “patched” using syscheck but so long as it works I’m a happy bunny 🙂
Thanks for a great Media Player, you guys rock.