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  • in reply to: URL from file and megavideo #27172

    For megavideo there is vlc-shares

    in reply to: Add special URL in Plx parsing and allow HTTP redirect #26574


    Tnx for http redirect support

    in reply to: Add special URL in Plx parsing and allow HTTP redirect #26573

    @ironbill wrote:

    Requested posted at Navi-Xtreme forums…


    This has nothing to do with my request

    in reply to: application error vlc shares #27122

    Non è la risoluzione del video il problema (o per vlc-shares non è quello il problema). Il problema risiede in un bug del vlc che sara corretto (si spera) nella versione 1.2.

    In attesa del rilascio, se ti ritieni un impavido, puoi provare ad utilizzare una nightly build del 1.2. Ho spulciato nelle email e ho ritrovato la versione che usa jhb50:

    MI ha detto che per lui funziona la transcodifica usando quella build, se nel profilo di transcodifica disabilita la transcodifica audio. In quel modo puoi vedere tutti i video, downscalando se necessario.

    Non so di preciso quale sia il profilo che utilizza, ma chiedere non costa nulla e potresti utilizzarlo.

    Can you copy here your vlc-shares’s profile that you use for h264/aac with 1.2 nightly build?

    Usando quella configurazione, potresti anche vedere i video nuovi di megavideo usando la transcodifica… anche se francamente non ne vedo questa grande utilità visto che dalla 1.0.8 wiimc riesce cmq a riprodurli discretamente.

    in reply to: application error vlc shares #27115

    Ma sei italiano? Guardando il log di debug direi di si. TI rispondo in italiano, cosi magari si fa prima.

    Da quello che ho visto, tu cerchi di visualizzare i link di megavideo in modalità transcodificata. Purtroppo le versioni di vlc attualmente disponibili hanno un bug nella transcodifica del flussi audio/video nei casi in cui la combinazione sia h264/aac …. proprio quella utilizzata dai nuovi video di megavideo. Se provi a transcodificare quei video ottieni una di queste cose:
    1) il nulla cosmico… che nella versione wiimc diventa “Error loading file” se usi vlc 1.1 su windows
    2) stream solo audio se usi vlc 1.0.5 su ubuntu (e credo anche su windows)
    3) un terribile nulla cosmico variable, nella forma di audio e video incomprensibili se usi alcune versioni di nighly build di vlc 1.2 (con il relativo plugin per vlc-shares per attivare la compatibilità con 1.2 e 1.1.3+)
    4) audio e video corretti con alcune versioni nightly di 1.2 (credo quella del 16 agosto), ma solo se usi transcodifica video con audio in direct copy.
    [per maggiori info chiedi a jhb50, ha fatto un sacco di prove e attualmente riesce ad utilizzare una nightly di vlc 1.2 con una transcodifica che funziona anche con gli h264 e aac]

    Questo stesso problema lo ottieni ovviamente anche se provi a transcodificare video da hdd in h264+aac.

    Il mio consiglio: prova ad utilizzare la modalità diretta per vedere i video da megavideo se hanno codifica h264/aac (quelli nuovi), mentre usa la transcodifica solo per i video flv (quelli vecchi per intenderci). In questo modo io riesco a vedere tutto quello che voglio da megavideo (anche le puntate di naruto e one piece :P).

    Per i video su hdd nn c’e’ molto che si possa fare. h264/aac per ora non sono transcodificabili con vlc / vlc-shares.

    Ho notato anche 1 altra cosa: potrebbero esserci dei problemi con il plugin per la compatibilità con vlc1.2/1.1.3+. Non so se hai seguito il 3d principale e apportato le modifiche suggerite nel 3d. Nel caso te la sia persa, ti consiglio una rilettura o se vuoi evitare le cose noiose, ti pregherei di utilizzare la versione del plugin che ho postato sul repository del progetto . Lo trovi nella lista download. Per installarlo basta estrarre il contenuto dell’archivio nella directory principale di vlc-shares e accettare la sovrascrittura dei file

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26343

    if anyone is interested: I created a repository on google code for vlc-shares. You can find it @

    if you want, you can follow development and try dev-revision using svn. Configuration instruction are always the same (for now).

    The development release is an improvement of 0.4.1 release with some new features in megavideo plugin’s management (bookmarklets, category folding & management).

    in reply to: application error vlc shares #27119

    @richard wrote:

    I’ve solved this problem by editing better my vlc shares config file. Now everything seems setted well but I cannot steel access to my videos from wiimc. The error is: “error loading file”. My system test is perfect but i haven’t realized how use vlc to stream the video yet. Have I to open the file directly by vlc or something is wrong with mi configuration file?

    I’m really sorry but I can’t attach the config file because the extension ini is not allowed .

    Thank you

    You have to follow points 14 and 15 of this tutorial for use vlc-shares from wii:

    (what vlc’s version are you using?)

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26342

    i’m just back from holidays. Time for replies:
    @sagewolf wrote:

    @sagewolf wrote:

    I’ve got this error. What should I do?

    VLC-Shares: system test

    VLC-Share version:
    Config file is:
    C:Program FilesEasyPHP-5.3.2iwwwvlc-sharesapplication/configs/vlc-shares.config.ini
    Config file is available:
    File not found or not readable. Following tests are skipped

    I don’t know that I do something wrong or folder’s name is too long but I reinstall EasyPHP in “C:EasyPHP” and redo everything and It work!!

    90% you forgot to rename the config file correctly.

    @skandolis wrote:

    Sorry if i’m in the wrong place here, but this question is about the vlc_shares(this seems to be the only place here that deals with that), the megavideo support works (i use it for tv episodes) but after an episode and a half, it jumps back to the playlist, and when i try to reopen the link, it gives error opening file, (for a couple of hours then it works again) still works fine streaming from my pc just the megavideo plugin has problems, i’m assuming this has to do with megavideo’s 72 minute limit, but as i have a premium account, i was wondering if there is any way around this, i have tried logging in via pc(server) and the browser on the wii, both tell me i’m logged in, any help for a newb would be appreciated, thanks. 🙂

    Vlc-shares’s megavideo plugin don’t have support for megavideo’s premium account. I haven’t a premium account, so i can’t develop an authentication procedure for vlc-shares. This means: 72 minutes limit. I’m sorry.

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26337

    You are welcome

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26334

    @SilentException wrote:

    Hey ximark!

    I have been playing with vlc-shares and vlc12 plugin some more. Some things i’d like to notice:

    1. For the vlc12 plugin to work correctly I had to add the following function to Vlc.php:

    public function getArg($placeholder) {
    return $this->_registredArgs[$placeholder];

    Ops… in current development version this function already exists. I forgot to backport it 0.4.1. Ahahaha

    @SilentException wrote:

    2. In Vlc12.php (plugin) I had to trim the source variable of double quotes for the realpath() function to work correctly and also readd double quotes for registerArg():

    if ( X_Env::isWindows() && substr($source,0,7) != 'http://' ) {
    $source = realpath(trim($source, '"'));
    $vlc->registerArg('source', '"$source"');

    This solution is perfect. Unfortunatly i can’t try vlc-shares in windows environment at this time, so my changes are just theory. In linux env, none of this is needed.

    Just a note: you should use ” to delimit the string. If you use ‘, $source will not be substitute with variable content.

    $vlc->registerArg('source', ""$source"");

    @SilentException wrote:

    After that, I got my first stream to work! 🙂 Then I pressed “home” on wiimote, got back to wiiMC and got vlc-shares stream controls. I pressed Stop returned back to video, it played the buffered data (few seconds) then it blocked completely. What is the proper way of stopping the stream?

    Pressing stop button is the proper way. Doing this you kill vlc process on the remote pc. Vlc-shares can control vlc on the remote pc, but it has no control on wiimc. There is no way to force wiimc to flush the buffered data. The same thing happen if you use forward/back button. Vlc shifts in time, but wiimc continue playing old buffered datas until they end. After that, you see the video from the new position. Maybe reducing the buffered datas in wiimc options, you will do transition from older to newer datas more fast.

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26331

    @sianis wrote:


    I’m trying to install it on Ubuntu 10.04. I’m done with everything, but vlc-shares/public location throws me 403 Forbidden message.

    [Wed Aug 25 06:28:13 2010] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/vlc-shares/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

    Do I miss some step? AllowOverride None is changed to AllowOverride All.

    Thank you!

    You have permission problems. Change permission for vlc-shares directory. You have to set all files readable by www-data and vlc-shares/data and sub-directory writable by www-data
    For example:

    cd /var/www/vlc-shares/
    sudo chown www-data:www-data -R .
    sudo chmod a+rx -R .
    sudo chmod a+rwx -R data/
    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26328

    Vlc12 support plugin does the same thing 😛

    Try this, it’s an improved version. It should work better. Installation instructions are inside the zip

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26326

    @SilentException wrote:

    I was trying that earlier on. If i start the stream using the SAME command in command prompt, i cannot access the stream by opening another instance of VLC and connecting to

    But, if i change the slashes (/) to backslashes () in the filename, stream is working and I can access it using another instance of VLC.

    @ximarx wrote:

    What version of vlc are you using? (vlc 1.2 is unsupported by default. If you want to use 1.2 nightly builds you have to add a plugin for it, but it doesn’t work very well).

    I’m currently using 1.1.3.

    Try downgrading vlc to 1.1.0. I think that vlc’s team backport some of vlc 1.2 code in 1.1.3 and vlc 1.2 don’t work with / in path to file. You can also try enabling plugin for 1.2 support and check if it works for vlc 1.1.3 too. Newer version of vlc-shares will fix this problem, but i’m busy now and i can’t finalize 0.4.2 version for now.

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26324

    @SilentException wrote:

    Hello ximarx, I’ve decided to try out vlc-shares. I followed your Windows installation guide. Now, I think everything is configured fine. But when I open “http://IP_ADDRESS/vlc-shares/public” in browser, I get redirected to “http://IP_ADDRESS/vlc-shares/public/manage” with “404 Object not found” message. If i open “http://IP_ADDRESS/vlc-shares/public/index.php”, I’m redirected to “http://IP_ADDRESS/vlc-shares/public/index.php/manage” and that one works ok? Bug or feature? 🙂


    This happen when:

    • you forgot to change apache conf property (you must change AllowOverride from None to All) [step 8 in tutorial]
    • .htaccess file is missing in vlc-shares/public/ dir

    Using “http://IP_ADDRESS/vlc-shares/public/index.php/manage” is a workaround, but this highlights that you have problems in apache configs

    @SilentException wrote:

    I have solved my previous problem with redirects. It turns out the problem only existed if Apache was bounded to I bounded it to the right IP ( and it started to work without 404 errors. But problem is I cannot start video stream on Wii. I have added two collections and upon quality selection I get “error loading file” message.

    Here is debug log:

    On i have all GREEN.

    If you bind apache on, you will be able to access apache from the same pc only. You have to bind apache on (or YOUR_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IP:80).

    Reading your log file, looks like if vlc is spawn successfully. Maybe you should check if windows firewall (or similar) block vlc stream on port 8081. Another check you can do is trying to startup vlc manually using the same command used from vlc-shares and check if streaming work.

    For example (all in 1 line):

    "C:Program Files (x86)EasyPHP-5.3.3wwwvlc-shareslibraryX/PsExec.exe" -d "C:/Program Files (x86)/VideoLAN/VLC/vlc.exe" --play-and-exit "C:/Users/ms_bug/Downloads/Torrents/Weeds.S06E01.Thwack.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi" --sout="#transcode{venc=ffmpeg,vcodec=mp2v,vb=3000,scale=.5,width=640,fps=30,acodec=a52,ab=384,channels=6,samplerate=48000,soverlay}:std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8081}" --sout-keep    -I http --http-host=""

    What version of vlc are you using? (vlc 1.2 is unsupported by default. If you want to use 1.2 nightly builds you have to add a plugin for it, but it doesn’t work very well).

    in reply to: Watch Megavideo,HD,Youtube w/ CC through WiiMC (VLCShares) #26321

    @indyadvant wrote:

    I have EasyPhP running and my IP address is not incorrect.

    Does anyone have teamviewer? Maybe check out what I’m doing wrong.

    Check PM

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